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Welcome to the guide to understanding child development. This guide is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the various stages of physical, cognitive, and emotional development in children. We will discuss the milestones typically achieved at each life stage from infancy to early childhood.

This guide is intended for parents who want to gain a better understanding of their child’s development. It is also appropriate for educators who teach younger children and may want to gain a greater insight into the different developmental stages.

We will start by providing an overview of physical, cognitive, and emotional development. We will then dive deep into the specific milestones typically achieved in infancy, toddlerhood, and early childhood. Finally, we will conclude by summarizing the key themes of the guide and encouraging further study.

By the end of this guide, you should have a firm understanding of the different stages and milestones of child development. You will be better equipped to understand and support your child’s development more effectively. Let’s get started!

Understanding Physical Development in Children

Physical development in children refers to the growth and development of their bodies — how they move, look and act. It is often seen as the most visible form of development, as it includes changes related to physical growth and development of gross motor and fine motor skills.

For example, when a baby is born, she won’t be able to control her neck muscles and will be unable to sit up on her own. As she grows, her muscles become stronger and she will eventually be able to roll over, sit up and crawl. Eventually, she will learn to stand and walk.

Physical milestones are typically achieved at different life stages: infancy (0-1 year), toddlerhood (1-3 years) and early childhood (3-7 years). During these important stages, physical milestones typically achieved include:

  • Infancy (0 – 1 year): Rolling over, sitting up, crawling
  • Toddlerhood (1 – 3 years): Standing, walking, running
  • Early childhood (3 – 7 years): Increased agility, increased strength, improved coordination

It is important to remember that every child develops at their own pace. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to physical development — some may reach milestones earlier than others, while some may take a bit more time.

That said, it is important to talk to a doctor if there are any concerns about your child’s physical development, as early intervention can be very helpful.

Cognitive Development Overview

Cognitive development refers to the changes and developments that occur in a child’s thinking, problem solving, and other mental processes. Cognitive development includes understanding language, memory formation, reasoning, abstract thinking and problem-solving. This area of child development is incredibly important when it comes to learning.

What is particularly fascinating about cognitive development is that children go through a number of different stages as they grow. Through these stages, they are able to understand more complex concepts and to think in a more sophisticated way. Here, we will look at some of the common milestones that you can expect to see in a child’s cognitive development.

As an infant (0–1 year), a child is beginning to learn how the world works. They start to recognize familiar people, objects and sounds, and are beginning to understand simple instructions. Babies may not speak yet, but they are capable of learning and forming associations.

As a toddler (1–3 years) a child begins to develop more advanced communication skills. They start to learn basic words and understand simple instructions. At this stage, they are also beginning to explore their environment and can identify certain objects, colors and shapes.

During early childhood (3–7 years) a child’s cognitive development accelerates. They are able to understand more complex commands, engage in basic conversations and use their imagination to form stories, draw pictures and play pretend games. At this stage, they are also beginning to understand the concept of time and can begin to plan ahead.

As the child progresses into school age (7–12 years), their cognitive development continues to progress. They become better problem solvers, and start to understand more abstract concepts. They also begin to think more logically and rationally, and become increasingly adept at understanding cause and effect relationships.

Through each of these stages, cognitive development plays a vital role in a child’s growth and learning. It is important to keep an eye out for the cognitive milestones your child is achieving, and to provide them with appropriate challenges and opportunities to continue developing their cognitive abilities.

Understanding Emotional Development in Children

When it comes to understanding children’s emotional development, it’s important to look at the various stages of development that a child goes through. From infancy to early childhood, there are various milestones which can give us an understanding of the emotional development of a child.

Emotional development is a wide ranging topic, but essentially it involves the child being able to understand and express their feelings. This includes emotions like happiness, fear, sadness, anger, pride and confusion. As they grow, they will be able to express these feelings in ways that are appropriate for their age and the situation.

The first stage of emotional development is during the toddler years (1-3 years). During this stage, children begin to show emotion in response to various stimuli, such as when they are angry, sad or happy. They also start to develop attachment and social skills, as they learn to interact with others. At this stage, they may also begin to exhibit independence and self-regulation abilities.

As they enter the early childhood stage (3-7 years), they will continue to refine their ability to regulate their emotions. They will be able to recognize different emotions, both in themselves and in others, and they will begin to understand the importance of showing empathy, understanding other people’s feelings, and responding appropriately. Other emotional milestones during this stage include being able to ask for help, take turns and cooperate with others.

It is important for parents and caregivers to support a child’s emotional development in an appropriate way. This could include setting limits, encouraging positive behavior, helping them to express their emotions, and modeling healthy coping mechanisms. By doing this, parents can ensure that their child is able to reach all the developmental milestones expected for their age group.

Infancy Physical Development

Physical development during infancy is an incredible process that happens in just a short 12 months! From birth, babies are learning and working hard to develop the physical coordination and strength needed for the future. Milestones during this early period of life include rolling over, sitting, crawling and eventually walking.

In the first few weeks of life, most newborns can lift their head and chest while lying on their stomachs and will begin to try out pushing motions with their arms and legs. As they get stronger, they may be able to hold their head up when being held in a seated position. Around 4 months, many babies begin to roll over both ways. This is an important milestone as it marks the beginning of more mobile exploration.

By 6 months, many babies are able to sit without support and may transition to crawling by “scooting” around on their tummies. During 7-9 months, babies tend to become more proficient crawlers and may pull themselves to a standing position. Around 9-12 months, some babies take their first steps and are now officially walking!

It is important for parents to recognize that each baby reaches these various milestones at different times. Generally, doctors will track progress and let parents know if there is cause for concern. Above all, parents should be patient and supportive during their baby’s physical development.

Infancy Cognitive Development

One of the most fascinating stages of development for any parent is the cognitive development of babies in their first year of life. During this first year, babies are learning more than ever before and they are learning at lightning speed!

Some cognitive milestones in infancy include recognizing familiar faces, beginning to understand words and language, and showing curiosity about their environment. Here are some of the key cognitive milestones you can expect to see in your baby’s first year:

  • At 2-3 months, your baby should start to recognize familiar people, turn towards voices, and follow objects with their eyes.
  • By 5-7 months, your baby should start using gestures and cooing or babbling. They should also be able to recognize their own name.
  • By 8-10 months, your baby may start to point at objects to show interest and start to understand simple commands.
  • By 11-12 months, your baby will likely be able to recognize familiar objects, imitate simple actions, and follow simple instructions.

It is important to note that every baby is different and develops at their own pace. If you feel your baby is not reaching these milestones or if you have any concerns, it is always best to check with your doctor or healthcare provider.

Encouraging cognitive development in your baby during the first year and beyond is key to helping them reach their full potential. You can do this by talking to them, playing games with them, and providing stimulating toys and activities.

Infancy Emotional Development

During the first year of a baby’s life, they are starting to develop emotional milestones. Babies express their emotions in a variety of ways and parents, caregivers, and loved ones can help babies learn to recognize and manage their emotions.

At around 6-8 weeks, babies start to show early signs of joy or satisfaction, usually in the form of a smile. This is often the first emotion that parents and caregivers can identify. As babies grow and interact with their environment, they will learn to identify more and more emotions. At around 2 months, babies may begin to cry when left alone for long periods of time or when experiencing certain stimuli, such as loud noises. This ability to express distress is a key emotional milestone.

As babies get older, they will become more aware of the emotional responses of others. Babies will typically imitate other’s emotions and behaviors, such as smiling or laughing when others around them are expressing positive emotions, or crying when others are upset. This is an important step in understanding and empathizing with the emotional responses of others.

Babies will also start to understand the concept of comfort and security. Through physical contact such as cuddling and rocking, babies can feel secure and respond to these cues. Babies will also learn to associate certain objects, places, or people with comfort. This allows them to develop trust in those around them.

By about 8 months, babies will start to show signs of distress when separated from caregivers. This is known as separation anxiety, and is a common emotional milestone in babies. As babies continue to age and learn, they will become better and better at recognizing and managing their emotions.

Overall, emotional development during infancy is an important step in a baby’s journey towards understanding their emotions and the emotions of others. Providing a safe and nurturing environment for babies is key in helping them to grow and develop emotionally.

Toddler Physical Development

It can be amazing to watch your little one start to learn and grow during their toddler years. During these years, they will start to walk, run, and gain control of their body movements. As parents, this is an extraordinary time to observe your child as they develop their physical skills.

During the toddler years, which typically stretch from 1-3 years old, most children will:

  • Start to run and even hop on one foot
  • Climb up and down stairs with help if needed
  • Cycle, even if it’s only for a few feet
  • Kick and throw a ball with decent accuracy
  • Master stackable blocks and puzzles with bigger pieces
  • Pedal, bounce and catch balls
  • Attempt to jump off a low surface with both feet together

It’s important to note that every child is unique and will develop at their own pace and order. Some toddlers may reach some physical milestones before others, while some could be late bloomers. There’s no need to worry if your toddler isn’t meeting all of these physical milestones right away — it’s natural.

Be sure to encourage your toddler as they develop their physical skills. By keeping a watchful eye and helping them foster their development, you can help your child grow into a confident person with strong physical skills.

Toddler Cognitive Development

The cognitive development of toddlers focuses on their ability to learn, understand and think. From ages one to three, children begin to make connections between different aspects of their environment and their own capabilities. In this stage, they start developing the foundations for problem-solving and independent thinking.

Toddlers between the ages of one and two learn the names for things, start to count, understand simple concepts like ‘in’ and ‘out’, and are able to match objects according to colour, shape, or size. At this age, they also start to use words to identify and express their feelings.

Between the ages of two and three, toddlers become more curious and begin to better understand language. They start to ask why, to recognize their own names, and to put words together to form simple sentences. They may also be able to recognise some letters, numbers, and shapes. Their creative thinking abilities improve, allowing them to play pretend games and attempt at solving simple problems.

By three, most toddlers can follow short instructions, have an understanding of time, and begin to learn early maths. They may also be able to recognize more shapes and colours, as well as sort items into categories. Additionally, they will start to attempt at making choices independently, based on what they remember or observe around them.

Cognitive development in toddlers is a fascinating process and heavily influences how they interact with their environment. As caregivers and educators, it is important to pay attention to the physical and psychological milestones achieved by toddlers and provide them with the tools to continue improving.

Toddler Emotional Development

During toddlerhood, children are rapidly developing emotionally. Despite their young age, toddlers are able to experience a range of emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, and fear. The following are some of the key milestones in emotional development to look for during the toddler years:

  • Recognition of own emotions: Toddlers learn to recognize when they are feeling sad, happy, angry, etc. and verbalize these feelings.
  • Understanding of other’s feelings: Toddlers begin to understand that other people can feel the same way they do and can empathize with them.
  • Self-regulation: Toddlers also develop skills to help regulate their own emotions, such as deep breathing and counting to 10.
  • Ability to delay gratification: Toddlers are able to wait or compromise when needed and won’t always demand to get what they want right away.

It is important for parents to support the development of their toddler’s emotional intelligence. This can be done by providing a safe and secure environment, showing love and affection, setting boundaries, and spending quality time together.

By understanding what to expect in terms of toddler emotional development, parents can better support their child as they progress through this stage of life.

Physical Development During Early Childhood

Physical development during early childhood (ages 3-7) is an exciting time for children. They go through major changes in their bodies and minds as they mature into young adults. During this time, they gain strength, agility, and coordination. They can also begin to express their emotions in a more complex way.

At around three years old, children begin to use their gross motor skills. This means they can change direction quickly and can run, jump, and skip. They can also throw and catch objects and learn to ride a tricycle. By the time they reach four or five, they can start to swim, ride a bicycle, and play sports.

At this age, children are also developing their fine motor skills. This means they can hold pencils, scribble, and begin drawing recognizable shapes. Most children can also manipulate small objects, hold a cup without help, and use scissors. They can also tie their own shoelaces.

The emotional development of a child during this period is also important. This is when many children learn to control their anger, sadness, and fear. They also become more empathetic and can identify and understand another person’s feelings. It is at this stage that children begin to understand concepts such as sharing and taking turns.

In summary, physical development during early childhood is an exciting time in a child’s life. It is during this time that they gain strength, agility, and coordination. They also learn to express and manage their emotions, and gain fine motor skills that allow them to do things such as writing and drawing.

Early Childhood Cognitive Development

Between the ages of three and seven, your child’s cognitive skills will begin to grow at a rapid rate. This period is known as Early Childhood, and during this time children learn more than in any other stage of life. Cognitive development involves the development of thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as language and memory.

The main aspects of cognitive development during early childhood include:

  • Language: Children become more articulate and are able to use words to express their thoughts and feelings. They are also able to develop a larger vocabulary and understand more complex concepts.
  • Memory: As children age, their short and long term memory greatly increase, allowing them to remember more complex information.
  • Problem-solving: As their language and memory improve, children are now able to better understand and solve problems.
  • Critical Thinking: As their language and problem-solving skills improve, children become more adept at critically analyzing situations and problems.

During this time, it is important to stimulate your child’s cognitive development by providing them with educational toys, activities and games that challenge them to think critically. By encouraging your child to explore and be curious, you can help them reach their full potential during this crucial stage of development.

Early Childhood Emotional Development

Early childhood, ages 3-7, is a time of huge emotional growth in children. During this time, kids learn to better regulate their emotions, understand the feelings and beliefs of others, and gain the ability to problem-solve and self-advocate.

At this age, children learn the basics of what it means to be a part of a community and can start to form deeper relationships with others. By understanding and supporting themselves, they are better able to understand and support others too.

Common emotional milestones achieved during early childhood include the following:

  • Recognizing and labeling their own emotions
  • Understanding and expressing empathy for others
  • Developing strategies for managing negative feelings
  • Managing stress and anxiety
  • Thinking and reflecting before acting
  • Developing and maintaining friendships
  • Showing self-respect and respect for others

It’s important that children learn and practice these skills in a supportive environment, free from judgment and ridicule. With proper guidance, these emotional milestones will become essential tools for life-long success.


It’s clear that children go through amazing and varied stages of development throughout their early years. Understanding these milestones and their associated changes helps to foster a better understanding of children’s needs and behaviours.

In this guide, we’ve given an overview of the physical, cognitive, and emotional developments that occur in children from infancy through early childhood. We’ve also discussed the various milestones typically achieved at each stage of a child’s development.

We hope that this guide has been informative and has helped you gain a better understanding of how a child develops. There is always more to learn about a child’s development, so we encourage you to continue your exploration for a deeper grasp of the subject.

The post Understanding child development appeared first on Pre-Pin Wheelsfor.

The relationship between academic achievement and self-esteem in children https://www.pinwheelsforprevention.org/the-relationship-between-academic-achievement-and-self-esteem-in-children/ Thu, 11 May 2023 06:41:16 +0000 https://www.pinwheelsforprevention.org/?p=139 Exploring Academic Achievement and Self-Esteem in Children It is well-understood that academic achievement and self-esteem are linked in children. The success or failure of a child in the classroom can…Continue readingThe relationship between academic achievement and self-esteem in children

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Exploring Academic Achievement and Self-Esteem in Children

It is well-understood that academic achievement and self-esteem are linked in children. The success or failure of a child in the classroom can have a powerful effect on their feelings of self-worth. Therefore, understanding the relationship between academic achievement and self-esteem is essential for both parents and educators.

This guide explores the relationship between academic achievement and self-esteem in children, and provides advice for parents on how to best nurture their children’s academic success and sense of self-worth. We will focus on the following topics:

  • Definition of Academic Achievement
  • Definition of Self-Esteem
  • Psychosocial Factors Affecting Academic Achievement and Self-Esteem
  • Research into Academic Achievement and Self-Esteem
  • Advice for Parents

We will also provide additional resources, glossary terms, and a summary of the guide.

So let’s get started!

Definition of Academic Achievement

Academic achievement refers to the progress students make in their school or college studies. It is measured by tests, assignments, and other forms of assessment that students take during the school year.

There are different types of academic achievements. For example, some students may excel in a certain subject, while others may find success in multiple subjects or activities. The ability to balance various areas of study is also a form of academic achievement.

Importantly, academic achievement helps build self-esteem. It provides affirmation that a student can learn and understand a subject. It can also provide a sense of pride and accomplishment, as well as a feeling of confidence in their own abilities.

Academic achievement is important for many reasons. It develops critical thinking skills, encourages creativity, and prepares students for college and career. Furthermore, it can motivate students to work harder and study more, leading them to reach their fullest potential.

The International Baccalaureate program is a rigorous and challenging academic program designed to prepare students for success in college and beyond. While the program is highly respected and offers numerous benefits, it can also be quite challenging for students, particularly in the years leading up to the IB diploma. The workload can be overwhelming at times, and many students struggle to keep up with the demands of the program without experiencing significant stress.This article provides comprehensive information about Internal Assessment in the IB Diploma program, including its purpose, requirements, and evaluation criteria.

Fortunately, there are a number of strategies that students and their parents can use to help manage the stress associated with the IB program. One potential solution is to seek the assistance of a tutor who can help students with their coursework and provide additional support and guidance. However, while tutoring can be helpful, it can also be costly and time-consuming.

Another option for students who are struggling with the demands of the IB program is to use an IB writing service for help with writing assignments. These services can provide assistance with everything from gathering data and conducting research to proofreading and enhancing papers. By using an IB Writing Service, students can save time and reduce stress, allowing them to perform better academically and get the most out of their IB experience.

In conclusion, academic achievement is a measure of progress made in school or college. It is a valuable tool to help students build self-esteem and prepare them for the future.

Definition of Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is a key factor in our development and success as individuals. It is essentially how we think, feel, and view ourselves. It is important to understand that self-esteem is an internal concept, meaning it is largely formed by how each person perceives themselves. A person with higher self-esteem is typically more confident and secure in their abilities and worth. However, a person with lower self-esteem may struggle to recognize the value in themselves.

The idea of self-esteem and its importance has been studied for many years and is widely accepted by psychologists and psychiatrists as having a major impact on academic success. Studies have shown that those with higher self-esteem have better language skills, communication, problem-solving and decision-making skills. With these skills, children tend to do better in school and have better academic achievement. On the other hand, children with lower self-esteem often struggle to focus and retain information, leading to poorer academic performance.

For parents, it is important to note that children learn and develop best with positive reinforcement and encouragement. This is the primary way to build a child’s self-esteem, by providing a safe, nurturing environment where they can explore and learn without fear of judgment or criticism. It is also important to ensure that children are able to express their feelings openly, so they can be guided in making decisions and setting goals. By doing this, parents can ensure children have the tools and confidence to succeed in school.

Psychosocial Factors and Academic Achievement in Children

When it comes to the relationship between academic achievement and self-esteem in children, there are many psychosocial factors at play. These can have either a positive or negative effect on a child’s academic success and their overall self-esteem.

One of the most influential psychosocial factors is a child’s home life. A supportive, nurturing home environment can give a child the confidence they need to take risks and strive for excellence in their academic achievements. On the other hand, an unstable home life can cause stress and anxiety, making it harder for a child to put effort into their studies and thus affect their academic achievements.

Family dynamics also have an impact on children’s academic performance. In strong families with good communication and clear expectations, children can often have more confidence in their abilities, which can result in improved academic performance. However, if family dynamics are strained and children lack parental support, it may cause them to become restless and discouraged, resulting in poorer academic achievement.

The school environment is also important in influencing a child’s academic achievement and self-esteem. Schools that provide a safe and welcoming learning environment, with teachers who are supportive and encouraging, can promote a sense of security and belonging in children, helping them to flourish academically. On the other hand, schools that are hostile or unsupportive can cause children to shut down and feel discouraged, leading to lower academic achievement.

Finally, friends and peers can have a powerful influence on children’s academic performance. If a child has a close group of peers that are driven to succeed, they are more likely to be motivated and encouraged to do well in their own studies. However, if they are surrounded by friends who don’t care about academics, they may be less likely to take their studies seriously, resulting in lower academic achievement.

In conclusion, there are many psychosocial factors that can affect the relationship between academic achievement and self-esteem in children. It is important for parents, teachers, and caregivers to understand these factors in order to ensure that children have the best chance of succeeding academically and developing strong self-esteem.

Research into Academic Achievement and Self-Esteem

When it comes to the relationship between academic achievement and self-esteem in children, research is key to understanding what contributes to a successful outcome. There have been countless studies conducted to investigate the link between academic success and self-esteem.

In order for us to get an overall picture of the results, we need to look at a variety of sources, including psychological studies and findings. Through looking at these studies and findings, we can gain insight into which factors support the academic achievement and self-esteem of children.

The following aspects have been identified as playing a role in the relationship between academic achievements and self-esteem in children:

  • Levels of educational attainment and challenge
  • Parenting style, involvement and expectations
  • Gender roles, stereotypes and expectations
  • Mental health and well-being
  • Peer influences and relationships
  • Socioeconomic status and opportunities

By understanding the importance of these factors, we can develop strategies to help improve both our children’s academic achievement and their self-esteem. The findings from these studies can be used to inform and guide parents, educators, and other professionals in creating a supportive environment where children can reach their potential and feel proud of their accomplishments.

Advice for Parents on Supporting Academic Achievement and Self-Esteem

As a parent, it’s important to understand the relationship between your child’s academic success and self-esteem. By supporting your child’s academic achievements, you can help them build a positive self-image and confidence. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Encourage healthy competition. A little healthy competition can be motivating and encourage your child to strive for academic excellence. Competing against themselves and other students, such as in school tournaments or clubs, can help them stay engaged and motivated.
  • Provide guidance and support. Let your child know that you believe in them and their academic potential. Show your interest in their studies and provide emotional and moral support. Make sure to be available to answer questions and offer guidance when needed.
  • Praise effort and progress. Praise your child for trying their best and for their improvements, rather than for just the results. If a grade isn’t what they were hoping for, remind them that with hard work and dedication, they can reach their goals.
  • Set achievable goals. Work with your child to set realistic goals that they can achieve through hard work and practice. Celebrate their successes and accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem, to give them a sense of accomplishment.

By understanding the relationship between academic achievement and self-esteem, and following the above advice, you can help foster a positive environment that encourages your child’s academic success and well-being.


It is important to understand the relationship between academic achievement and self-esteem in children. This guide has discussed what academic achievement is, the concept of self-esteem, the various psychosocial factors that influence this relationship, the evidence from research studies, as well as advice for parents.

It is significant for parents to help create an environment where their children can feel confident about their academic achievements, and also strive for tangible goals of success. It is also valuable for parents to support their children in developing a healthy sense of self-esteem in order to build a lasting foundation for academic success.

To summarize, this guide uses research and evidence to explain the relationship between academic achievement and self-esteem in children. It is evident that the two are not mutually exclusive; rather, they have a symbiotic relationship that has a direct impact on a child’s academic success.


Exploring the relationship between academic achievement and self-esteem in children can be complex, with various sources of information available. To help make this exploration easier, it is important to be familiar with some of the key resources in this area.

One of the most comprehensive sources of information on the topic is a research paper from the US National Library of Medicine titled “Association of Academic Achievement and Self-Esteem in Children”. This paper dives deep into a large-scale study, looking at the different psychological factors influencing the relationship between academic achievement and self-esteem.

In order to gain added insight from a variety of perspectives, parents can also look to books like “The Psychology of Academic Achievement: A Guide for Parents and Educators”. Written by an expert in child psychology, this book provides actionable advice on how to foster positive academic outcomes in children, while also nurturing and enhancing their feelings of self-worth.

Finally, online courses and webinars can provide a more interactive approach to the subject. Coursera has a range of online courses related to the topic which can be suitable for parents and teachers looking to gain an understanding of the issues. Webinars are also available through organizations such as EduGuide, which regularly hosts webinars on different topics related to academic achievement and self-esteem.

Exploring the many different sources of information can be a great way to gain a better understanding of the relationship between academic achievement and self-esteem in children. By researching, reading, and attending webinars and courses, parents can become better informed and equipped to create an environment that encourages healthy academic outcomes and feelings of pride.

Glossary of Terms for Clarity

It is important to be familiar with the various terms related to academic achievement and self-esteem in order to understand the relationship between the two. Therefore, here is a glossary of some key concepts:

  • Academic Achievement: This refers to the student’s performance in school. It could be measured by the grades the student receives in their classes or the number of awards they have won. Academic achievement is closely connected to self-esteem.
  • Self-Esteem: This refers to the opinion an individual has of their own worth. It is determined by the individual’s own experiences and beliefs. High self-esteem is connected to better academic results.
  • Psychosocial Factors: These are the psychological and social influences that have an impact on academic achievement and self-esteem. Examples include family dynamics, home environment, culture, and socioeconomic status.
  • Cognitive Development: This refers to the development of the mental processes that are necessary for learning and problem solving. Cognitive development is an important factor in a child’s academic success and indirectly affects their self-esteem.

It is important to keep these terms in mind when exploring the relationship between academic achievement and self-esteem. As understanding the different concepts is essential for gaining insight into the conclusion of research findings.


In this guide, we discussed the relationship between academic achievement and self-esteem in children. We looked at what academic achievement is, how it can help build self-esteem, and the different psychosocial factors that can influence this relationship. We also discussed current research on the topic and provided advice to parents on fostering the positive connection between their children’s academic success and their self-confidence.

At its core, this guide emphasizes the importance of recognizing the interdependent nature of academic achievement and self-esteem in children. It highlights the various ways in which these two concepts intersect and the need to incorporate both into any educational environment.

To recap, the key points discussed include:

  • Definition of academic achievement and self-esteem
  • Psychosocial factors that affect the relationship between the two
  • Current research findings
  • Advice for parents

By understanding the relationship between academic achievement and self-esteem in children, we can ensure a more holistic approach to learning that yields tangible results – not only in terms of better academic performance, but also in terms of building self-esteem.

Citing Sources Used in the Blog Post

When writing a blog post or any other type of paper, it is important to correctly cite all sources used throughout. Citing your sources demonstrates an understanding of the topic, as well as providing helpful information to readers should they wish to further explore the idea.

When citing a source, you need to provide information about the author, title, publication date and the source. For example:

  • Author name (last name, first name).
  • Title of work.
  • Publication date – use year for published works.
  • Publisher’s name – for books, articles, web sites, and other media.

If a source is from the internet, include the URL or DOI. For example:

  • Author name (last name, first name).
  • Title of work.
  • Retrieved from URL or DOI.
  • Publication date – use year for published works.

It’s also important to create a list of references for the end of the blog post so that readers can easily find the sources you have used during the writing process. When creating the list, the references should be listed in alphabetical order using the same format as previously discussed.

Having an understanding of how to cite sources properly is important when writing any kind of paper. It helps demonstrate credibility, as well as being useful for readers who may have further questions about a certain topic.

Revising, Editing and Proofreading Your Guide

Revising, editing and proofreading are important steps in the process of creating your guide. Revising involves ensuring that your content is accurate and up-to-date, checking for any mistakes or typos, and making sure that each section flows smoothly and logically. Editing is all about improving the readability of your piece by breaking it into paragraphs, making sure sentences are concise and clear, and adding headings where necessary.

Proofreading is the final step before you publish, and it’s essential in order to make sure that your work is free of any errors. Here are some tips to help you revise, edit and proofread your guide before publishing:

  • Check for accuracy: Make sure that all information is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Check for typos and grammar mistakes: Look out for any misspelled words, wrong punctuation and grammatical errors.
  • Check for clarity and flow: Ensure that the sequence of ideas makes sense and that the logic of each sentence is clear and easy to follow.
  • Check for readability: Make sure that your content is broken up into paragraphs, that sentences are concise and clear, and that headings are used where necessary.
  • Proofread: Read through your entire guide once or twice more, to make sure that everything is perfect and ready to publish!

Don’t be afraid to make changes, delete unnecessary content, or move things around if needed. The more time you take to revise, edit and proofread your guide, the better it will be!

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What is art therapy and why it is useful for children https://www.pinwheelsforprevention.org/what-is-art-therapy/ Sat, 10 Apr 2021 09:24:00 +0000 https://www.pinwheelsforprevention.org/?p=88 Do you have a favorite activity or hobby? How does it make you feel? Surely even the anticipation of the upcoming activity immerses you in pleasant emotions and inspires you.…Continue readingWhat is art therapy and why it is useful for children

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Do you have a favorite activity or hobby? How does it make you feel? Surely even the anticipation of the upcoming activity immerses you in pleasant emotions and inspires you. And afterwards, you feel the stress and tension go away, and there is pleasure and relaxation. Art therapy for children works in a similar way.

What is art therapy
Today, it is a fairly popular direction in psychotherapy and psychology that appeared a little less than a century ago. Initially only visual art therapy was used, but later singing, music, dance, sand therapy, modeling, etc. were added to the methodology.

This type of correction of the mental condition helps to solve many problems and is considered the gentlest and most environmentally friendly. The main goal of art therapy for children is the development of abilities to self-knowledge and self-expression. It is possible to say that the child’s emotional intelligence is formed through creativity.

A Little History
The term art therapy was introduced in 1942 by British artist Adrian Hill. While struggling with tuberculosis, Adrian noticed that drawing helped him cope with the disease more quickly. He noted that the mind is fully immersed in the process while creating, so that he “disconnects” from his ailments. Then he began to offer to try the treatment of art to his roommates. Thus a new direction in psychotherapy was born. And in 1964, the first British association of art therapists was founded with his help.

Objectives of art therapy
As well as other branches of psychological correction, art therapy is directed at teaching the person to find ways out of life situations that cause him or her difficulties. For example, depression and phobias, which are accompanied by a lack of energy and loss of interest in life.

In the course of the sessions, the thinking process is reset and the person finds the very core that helps him or her to develop the appropriate model of behavior and cope with the problem. As for children, art therapy has a similar effect on them. And along with the therapeutic effect, it develops thinking and intellect and reveals creative potential.

Art therapy helps:

Relieve emotional stress;
improve your mood;
learn to understand their feelings and emotions, as well as the emotions of others;
transform negative thoughts into positive ones;
get rid of the stiffness and complexes;
learn to express oneself;
to cope with age crises;
to see the beauty in the little things, to develop creativity.
art therapy for children

Art therapy in work with children also helps in the treatment of psychosomatic illness, autism and cerebral palsy. Its use in combination with the main methods of treatment yields good results as an improvement in the condition of young patients.

Principles of art therapy
Diagnosis .
As with any therapy, the psychologist must first understand what to work with and how to obtain the desired result. For this purpose, each specialist has special questionnaires, tests and role-playing games in his or her arsenal which will help to accurately identify the child’s problem and assess the degree of its depth.

Choice of method and type of art therapy
Based on the diagnosis, the psychologist selects methods and types of art therapy. Among the methods are distinguished:

Active – the child creates an object of art independently from scratch. For example, he or she draws a picture, molds a figure or composes a poem. The result of the work is not evaluated in terms of beauty and quality; the process is important here.
Passive – the child is offered to use ready-made works of art, for example, to watch a video, listen to music, etc.
Mixed – the child creates his or her own masterpieces on the basis of ready-made art objects. For example, drawing or modeling.
We will consider types of art therapy further in the article.

System Work
Any technique is useless if there is no clear system of action. Therefore, it is necessary to take art therapy seriously and regularly take the child to classes. For children 3 to 6 years old 2 to 3 sessions a week are enough, for younger schoolchildren – 1 to 2 sessions, and for teenagers one session a week is enough.

Diagnostics during and after therapy. Result evaluation
To understand whether there is progress, the art therapist conducts tests after a certain number of sessions and, if necessary, corrects the methods and intensity of work with the child.

What kinds of art therapy there are
Today, among the types of art therapy, you can choose the one that your child will enjoy:

Isotherapy is the most commonly used type of art therapy. Here, it is possible to use various kinds of materials for creativity: paints, dough for molding, plasticine, crayons, pencils, and colored paper.
Drawing on the sand – this type of therapy is especially popular with children. It is so pleasant and interesting to drive your finger in the sand, creating your own drawing or figure out and sculpt figurines from it.
Music therapy – the child can simply listen to music or participate in the performance of musical pieces: play instruments or sing in a choir.

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What is fairy tale therapy for children and when is it necessary? https://www.pinwheelsforprevention.org/fairy-tale-therapy/ Sun, 07 Mar 2021 09:28:00 +0000 https://www.pinwheelsforprevention.org/?p=91 If your child does not want to go to kindergarten or school, is very afraid of something, does not sleep well, is too withdrawn, or shows aggression, storytelling therapy can help.…Continue readingWhat is fairy tale therapy for children and when is it necessary?

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If your child does not want to go to kindergarten or school, is very afraid of something, does not sleep well, is too withdrawn, or shows aggression, storytelling therapy can help. What is storytelling therapy for children and what methods can be used to help a child cope with problems.

What is Fairy Tale Therapy
Fairy tale therapy is one of the effective directions of psychology. Fairy tales as therapy have gained popularity because they help adults and children communicate in the same language. With the help of cautionary tales, it is easier for an adult to explain difficult things to a child, get close to him and help him solve a problem.

Therapy is based on educating the child through the example of the characters, where he or she learns to parse, analyze and find a way out of situations that happen to him or her. For example, a fairy tale can help one understand that everyone makes mistakes and that this is normal, to teach to admit one’s mistakes, to make friends, to help friends in need, etc.

Why do fairy tales work better with children?
Children of preschool and primary school age live in a world of fairy tales. During this period, they have a predominance of visual imagery and find it easier to navigate, experience emotions, and learn in an imaginary world.

A child can listen to a favorite fairy tale over and over again and perceive the accomplishments of the characters as his or her own, i.e., transfer the character’s experience to himself or herself. For example, by going through a series of obstacles in a fairy tale story to become stronger, more resilient, wiser and stop being afraid.

Also, activities built through the plots of favorite fairy tales do not overload children’s brains and are remembered for a long time, working in the long run.

Functions of fairy tales
In children’s therapy and pedagogy, fairy tales are used to:

help a child overcome various fears: confined spaces, darkness, water, animals, and more;
to bring up the necessary traits of character and personality: courage, communication skills, initiative, diligence, the ability to bring things to an end;
to help learn how to behave in difficult situations;
to get rid of complexes;
to fight various psychological disorders.
to form the right concepts of good and evil;
to develop imagination, fantasy and creative thinking;
instill in your child the right values from childhood.

What kinds of fairy tales are used in therapy
Two main types of fairy tales can be distinguished: educational and therapeutic. Both folk and fictional fairy tales can be used. Fairy tales for educational purposes address and help resolve minor problems with behavior, overcoming fears (of heights, darkness, water), and adapting to a new group of people.

Therapeutic fairy tales are aimed at helping the child cope with deeper problems. For example, to overcome the loss of a loved one or a serious injury.

If it is a psychologically corrective fairy tale, it should be based on the child’s veiled problem. At the end of this fairy tale, the child decides for him or herself what the hero should do to cope with the problem.

All cases and children are different, therefore there are no universal plots. Choosing fairy tales for therapy, parents, first of all, should be guided by the child’s reaction to the various stories. For example, someone will find the story of Koloboka tragic and horrible, because the Fox ate him, and someone will listen to it and draw conclusions about how not to behave in order to avoid being in the shoes of the main character.

Methods of fairy tale therapy
Let’s talk about how to use storytelling therapy for children:

Storytelling and Composing.
Parents can invent and tell a therapeutic fairy tale themselves. For example, they can take a real situation and translate it into fairy tale characters. For example, once upon a time, there lived a family of dolphins. The dolphin mother, the dolphin father and the dolphin son… According to the story, the dolphin family is in the same situations as, for example, your family, passes certain tests, and then everything ends well.

It is possible to involve the child in the composing of the story, just help him in the process so that he does not lose the plot line, because the tale must necessarily end with summing up – the hero learns a lesson from his experience and changes his behavior, thanks to which his life is improved.

A bonus for children who compose fairy tales on their own becomes a developed imagination and creative thinking.

In therapy, after reading a fairy tale, it is necessary to “bring it to life” – to draw, model or make an applique. Through creativity, the child can express and live out their emotions and get rid of tension. Parents do not need to pay attention to the quality of the image, the process is important here. For the first time, the picture can seem gloomy and even creepy, but after working through the situation the second and subsequent times, the colors in the drawing will be more “cheerful,” and the characters will be lovable.

Making dolls
This is a very strong method of story therapy, in which the process of making dolls plays an important role. The idea is to “bring a fairy tale to life” with the help of handmade characters. Psychologists equate the effect of sewing dolls to meditation, in which there are serious changes in personality.

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Timely or early childhood development https://www.pinwheelsforprevention.org/timely-or-early-childhood-development/ Sun, 13 Sep 2020 09:10:00 +0000 https://www.pinwheelsforprevention.org/?p=85 Early or timely development of a child? When parents begin to ask this question, it is important to consider one simple rule - the main thing in development - it's not a race for achievement, and the formation of a harmonious personality.…Continue readingTimely or early childhood development

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Early or timely development of a child? When parents begin to ask this question, it is important to consider one simple rule – the main thing in development – it’s not a race for achievement, and the formation of a harmonious personality. This article examines how not to overstep this fine line, to invest in the child the best from childhood and not discourage the desire for knowledge.

What is early development?
Early development does not equal early learning. Sometimes these definitions can be confused. Some parents start showing the infant cards with letters at 6 months, and at 1.5 years they give him the alphabet and begin to learn numbers.

Pediatricians and child psychologists speak out against early learning. Because a baby’s brain is not yet ready for such work. Yes, by the age of 3 he may memorize letters and even learn to read, but it does not mean that he will succeed in school. Often the opposite happens – the child loses desire to learn.

Studies in this area suggest that mental functions in children mature at different times. Therefore, the untimely development of the intellect overloads the child’s nervous system and is to the detriment of the formation of other abilities.

In contrast to learning, the early development of children – it’s soft, smooth process that stimulates interest in independent play, communication and learning about the world. This can include games of “playfulness”, singing nursery rhymes, activities with spoons, cereals, plastic lids, playful massage, reading and listening to fairy tales together. Later, you can add modeling, drawing, dancing, singing and music.

The concept of early development
The goal of timely development is to form creative abilities, to teach to make decisions independently and to navigate in the information space. The positive outcome of lessons will not be any achievements of the baby in a certain area, and developed thinking and a desire to learn.

Here are a few recommendations for parents on how to properly deal with the early development of the child, so it was timely and not harmful:

  1. communicate more.
    Communication – one of the most important skills in today’s world. And the initial communication skills are acquired in the family. Communicate with your baby from birth, showing and telling him or her about objects at home and in the street, comment on your actions, for example, when you cook or clean up. Growing up, your child will surprise you with a rich vocabulary and the ability to articulate ideas and dialogue.
  2. Add creativity
    The preschool child develops best in the game, when involved tactile, visual and auditory senses. So play with him at every opportunity, molding from plasticine, dough, kinetic sand, draw, make crafts, sing songs, watch cartoons, play hide and seek, spend time together. All of these simple activities are the foundation of useful early development.
  3. Develop Emotional Intelligence
    Emotional intelligence is a person’s ability to understand and manage their emotions, their own and others. This is why it is so important to develop a child emotionally from an early age.

When your baby cries or is upset about something, tell him or her what is happening to him or her, why he or she is feeling it and how to deal with it. Also show by example how you control your emotions. Your child needs to see his parents as a support, to feel supported and to learn from those closest to him.

  1. Include movement games
    Motor activity directly affects the development of intellectual abilities. If your child is very young, pay more attention to the development of fine motor skills: play with cereals, buttons, beads, etc. (just don’t leave your baby unsupervised). For older children, sports, movement games at home and outdoors are suitable.
  2. Do not choose one method
    Now there are a lot of different techniques for the early development of children. But should we be limited to any one? Of course not. Children are all different and you need to look for a technique that will please your child. And the best way to take the appropriate tools from different techniques, combine them into their own, and work with a child on an individual program.
  3. Allow freedom of choice
    Undoubtedly, adult support is important for a child, but it’s just as important for him or her to be able to have his or her own experience. For this purpose, give him/her freedom of choice more often, for example, let him/her decide himself/herself what to wear, what kind of club to sign up for. The conclusions that the child will make on the basis of his/her own experience will teach him/her to analyze information and actions and apply it in life.

Important: if you are trying a new kind of activity with your child and you see that he does not react in any way, it means he is not interested yet. It is worth to do something else.

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